Instant Fix for "This Story Is Unavailable Instagram" in 2024 : Meaning & 10 Solutions

How to Fix this story is unavailable Instagram?

Instagram stories are a great way to stay updated with the people you follow. However, at times when you try to view someone's story, you may come across the "this story is unavailable" error on Instagram. If you're facing this issue, don't worry, we've got you covered!

Instant Fix for

Reasons for the IG story unavailable error

Possible causes Possible solutions
The user has removed their story Unfortunately, if the user has removed their story, there's nothing you can do. The best option is to wait for them to post a new story.
The user has blocked you If the user has blocked you, you won't be able to view their stories. Try reaching out to them to clarify the situation.
The user has made their account private If the user has a private account, only their followers can view their stories. Try following them to see their future stories.
The user has restricted you If the user has restricted you, you won't be able to view their stories. You can reach out to them and request them to remove the restriction.
Technical issues with the app Try clearing the cache of the Instagram app or reinstalling it to see if that resolves the issue.

10 More solutions below with steps and photos :

So, if you see the "this story is unavailable" error, don't panic! Just go through the below-listed reasons and try the possible solutions. Hopefully, you'll be able to see the stories again soon.

Instant Fix for

10) Clear the Instagram App Cache

Oh no! Story unavailable on Instagram?

One of the easiest solutions to try first is clearing the Instagram app cache. Caches are designed to save some settings and other data in the device’s local storage to make the app load faster. However, over time these cache files accumulate and can do more harm than good, leading to issues like story unavailability.

So, how can you clear the Instagram app cache?

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your device.
  2. Go to your profile by tapping on the profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the screen to open the menu.
  4. Scroll down and select Settings.
  5. Scroll down again and select Security.
  6. Finally, select Clear Search History.

That's it! Check if you are still facing the issue. If yes, there could be other reasons why the story is unavailable.

Instant Fix for

9) Update Instagram App

Instagram is constantly updating its features to provide its users with a better experience. When there are technical issues, Instagram usually releases updates to solve the problem. Therefore, updating the app to its latest version can help resolve the issue.

How can you update Instagram?

Follow these simple steps to update Instagram:

Step 1: Open Play Store/App Store and search for Instagram.
Step 2: If a new update is available, you will see it next to the app. Hit it.

If Instagram is running in the background, the app will restart for the update to take place. Updating the app is an easy and quick solution to fix the Instagram story unavailable issue. So, make sure you have the latest version of Instagram to enjoy a smooth experience!

8) Log Out and Log In from your account

Don't worry though, there's a way to fix this issue and get back to enjoying your favorite content on the app. Here's what you need to do:

Instant Fix for
Step Action
Step 1 Open Instagram and tap your profile at the bottom right corner.
Step 2 Tap the hamburger menu and choose Settings.
Step 3 Scroll down and tap Log out.
Step 4 Hit Log out again to confirm.

Instant Fix for

It's possible that when you log out of your Instagram account, the app might delete some of the cache files, including the ones that were causing the error. When you log back in, Instagram will start a new session, and you should be able to access the story without any problems.

Note: If you have multiple accounts, the option will be 'Log out [username] accounts'.

Instant Fix for

7) Force Stop the App From the Background

If you're using an iPhone or an Android device, try force quitting the Instagram app to see if that solves the issue.

On iPhone:

Step 1: Open the App Switcher by swiping up from the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Swipe up on the Instagram app to force quit it.

On Android:

Step 1: Open the Settings app and tap on "Apps."

Step 2: Choose "Manage apps."

(Depending on your device, this option might have a different name)

Step 3: Find Instagram and select it, then hit "Force stop."

Step 4: Tap "OK" to confirm.

By following these simple steps, you should be able to fix the "story unavailable" error on Instagram and get back to enjoying your favorite stories.

Instant Fix for

6) Refresh your Feed

Instagram may show you a feed from your previous session to load the feed faster, which might include stories that are no longer available. Therefore, it's best to refresh the feed before opening any story.

To refresh the feed, all you need to do is tap and pull down the feed and wait for a second or two for it to refresh. Once done, proceed to see if you can view the unavailable story.

Pros Cons
Refreshing the feed could solve the problem of an unavailable story. The solution may not always work as the story could have been deleted.
Refreshed feed can provide you with new and updated content. Refreshing the feed may take some time to load new content, depending on your internet speed.
It can help you avoid clicking on unavailable stories, saving your time and effort. There could be other reasons why the story is unavailable, such as a privacy setting or an account being suspended.

Instant Fix for

5) Not following the user/ account

Not following the user/account

If you are not following the user or account that posted the story, you may not be able to view it. In this case, you should follow the user first. This may allow you to view their story if it is still available.

Switch to the private account

If the user has a private account and you are not following them, you will not be able to view their story. In this case, you may need to request to follow their account and wait for them to approve your request.

Ask someone else to share the story

If you are still unable to view the story, you could try asking someone else to share it with you. If the user has allowed their story to be shared, someone else may be able to send it to you.

Possible Reasons for Unavailable Story: Solutions to View Story:
The user deleted the story or their account No solution available
Technical issue on Instagram's end Try again later
Not following the user/account Follow the user/account
User has a private account Request to follow their account
User has not allowed their story to be shared Ask someone else to share the story

Instant Fix for

4) Reinstall the Instagram App

Here's how to uninstall and reinstall the app:

On Android:

Step Description
1 Open the Google Play Store and search for Instagram.
2 On the app page, tap Uninstall and then confirm by tapping Uninstall again.
3 Once uninstalled, tap Install to reinstall Instagram.

On iOS:

Step Description
1 Touch and hold the Instagram app on your home screen.
2 Tap "Remove app."
3 Confirm by tapping "Delete App" and choose "Delete" to confirm.
4 Once uninstalled, search for Instagram on the App Store and tap the "Get" or "Download" icon to reinstall.

With these simple steps, you can reinstall the app and get back to using Instagram to your heart's content without the annoying "story unavailable" error.

Instant Fix for

3) Check Story from an Alternate Account

Check from an Alternate Account

It might sound funny, but it can work! If you have a spam/backup ID, try checking if you can view the unavailable story on Instagram. Since some errors are only faced by specific accounts, this workaround might just work for you. Here's how you can switch between Instagram accounts:

Step 1: Open Instagram.
Step 2: Tap and hold the profile icon and choose the account to switch.

Alternatively, you can ask your mutual friend to see if they can view the unavailable story. Hopefully, one of these methods will work for you, and you can enjoy viewing all the exciting content on Instagram.

Instant Fix for

2) Ask a mutual friend for help

You were scrolling through Instagram, and you stumbled upon an intriguing story that caught your attention. You decided to take a closer look, but you were met with a message that read "This Story is Unavailable". How frustrating! Don't worry; there are ways to resolve this issue.

One solution is to ask a mutual friend for help.

If you have a mutual friend who is following the account, ask them to send you a screenshot or a copy of the story. You can also ask them to tag you in the comments section of the post so that you can view it.

Another solution is to wait and try again later. Instagram may be experiencing technical difficulties, causing the story to appear unavailable. Check back in a few hours or even the next day, and the story may be available to view.

Issue Solution
Story unavailable on Instagram Ask a mutual friend for help or wait and try again later

Instant Fix for

1) Report this Issue to Instagram

Don't worry, we have one last solution for you.

Report the issue to Instagram!

By reporting the problem, Instagram will take quick action and push an update to solve it. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Open Instagram and shake the device until you see a small window.
Step 2: Tap 'Report a problem'.
Step 3: Choose whether to include the logs and diagnostics. Here, we chose ‘Include and continue’.
Step 4: Briefly explain your issue and hit 'Send'. Tip: Tap on 'Upload' to upload the screenshot of the error for better understanding.

By following these steps, you can easily explain the issue you are facing with Instagram and get it resolved. Don't let an error ruin your Instagram experience. Report it now and enjoy scrolling through your feed without any interruption!

Instant Fix for

FAQ on "this story is unavailable" Instagram

How do you know if someone blocked you from seeing their story on Instagram?

There is no official way to find out if someone has blocked you from viewing their Instagram Story. The only way is to check if the story is visible when viewed through your alternate account or seek help from your mutuals.

Can you make your story unavailable on Instagram?

Yes. You can make a story unavailable on Instagram by either limiting who can view them or by completely deleting it.

Does Instagram limit stories?

No. There is no limit on how many stories you can upload a day on Instagram. The platform is so open to its users uploading stories that it has even increased the length of stories from 15 seconds to 60 seconds.

What Does Story Unavailable Mean on Instagram?

When you see the Instagram story unavailable message, it can result from the following most common reasons:

Reasons Solutions
Stable Internet Connection Check your internet connection. Instagram consumes too much data, and hence if your connection is fluctuating, you might see an error message.
User Deleted the Story The story has been removed, but it may still be shown as viewable, only for you to see the error message.
You Are Blocked You might have been blocked, preventing you from viewing their stories.
Account Is Private You have to follow an account to view stories if it’s a private account.
Story Has Expired An Instagram story is available to view for 24 hours. Afterward, it will be moved to the archive and can only be accessed by the user.
Account Deactivated The user might have deactivated their Instagram account, preventing you from viewing their stories.
Instagram Server Is Down Sometimes, it is not you or the user. If the Instagram server is down, you might see the “this story is unavailable” message.